Wednesday, 16 May 2012

 We're all unlucky in love sometimes. When I am, I go jogging. The body loses water when you jog, so you have none left for tears.
- 重庆森林- Chunking Express-

I wouldn't say I am unlucky in love , but there are days when I just feel like crying, mainly because I worry too much, and then I become extremely anxious and paranoid and my insecurity tends to take over.
Worrying has always been my biggest problem, and even now I still don't quite know how to stop.
I worry about everything.
I've tried calming pills, taking long walks, drinking cups after cups of tea, meeting up with friends, but they only provide temporary relief.
I just wanted to have a peace of mind and to know that everything will be ok.
I love this quote from Chunking Express, one of my favourite film ,because I've tried it before and it helps.
Everytime I feel upset I go for a jog / a run, and by the time I get back I feel happier and refreshed, and I don't have any water left in my body for tears. 
I need to get back into doing regular runs and jog, so that I can take my mind off things , and hopefully it will also get me prepared for the big 10k run.
On a lighter note, I received my NIKEiD the other day. I'm very chuffed with how it turned out, I've yet to wear them because I wanted to admire them for a little bit longer before I get them dirty.

and yes that does say YOLO


sah said...

I think everyone wishes to know that it will all be okay in the end. Lots of love♥

Haha it's funny because I started jogging again too! Jogging buddies: )
Your sneakers are the best though. YOLO sneakers!!

BB said...

Thanks sweetie, I really shouldn't be thinking too much about things. Overthinking is my one of my weakness.
Ah that's good to hear ! Let's keep encouraging each other with our jogging progress ! :)
and thank you , i really appreciate it ♥

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