Friday, 18 May 2012

Somehow everything comes with an expiry date. Swordfish expires. Meat sauce expires. Even cling-film expires. Is there anything in the world which doesn't?If memories could be canned, would they also have expiry dates? If so, I hope they last for centuries. 

Another quote from Chunking Express ( gosh i must stop quoting from this film)

I haven't taken any photographs with film cameras in a while, I tend to use them to capture those special moments, but since I've ran out of 35mm films and haven't bought any new rolls, i've been slacking off in photography. 
It's not long before I leave for the summer holiday. Even though I'm quite excited to spend a month in the land of sea and sun , there are people I will miss, and my days wouldn't be quite the same without them. 

I have been blessed with the loveliest people around me,  and I am really grateful for their existence. I wanted to cherish and capture every single moment I spend with them and preserve the memories in photographs. 
The kind of memories that makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside, I want to keep close to my heart.

 海の彼方には もう探さない
輝くものは いつもここにわたしのなかに 

Itsumo Nando Demo ( Always With Me )  piano ver. - from Spirited Away


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